World Stroke Congress 2012 will be held in Brazil from 2012-10-10 to 2012-10-10. The event, held by Kenes International - a professional trade show organizer, is to showcase the latest products, service, trends in health-beauty industry
Want to attend World Stroke Congress 2012 that held on 10 Oct 2012? Here you can find all information about the show held in Brasilia Brazil, such as open hours, venue, and organizers information. Importantly, you have the opportunity to get cheap trade show giveaways in World Stroke Congress 2012.Read to get latest updated information about even neurology di brazill 2012,world stroke congress 2012 brazil,8th world stroke congress brazil 2012 now.World Stroke Congress 2012 will be held in Brazil from 2012-10-10 to 2012-10-10. The event, held by Kenes International - a professional trade show organizer, is to showcase the latest products, service, trends in health-beauty industry
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