Early Bird Participants Gets 30 Percent Discount At Solarex Istanbul Show
Because of high participation interest of Solar Industry, Solarex Istanbul Show has been filled up already on December 2013.
The Solarex Istanbul Show is opening a new hall on 2015, we started promotion of Hall 9 International Hall to finalize the sales immediately for mentioned hall. So we make an attractive discount for our exhibitors to encourage them to sign an agreement with us.
What is the difference between Hall 9 - International Hall and New Hall - Hall 11?
Hall 9 - International Hall is the unique hall for Solarex Istanbul participants that only international big players and sponsors are accepted. The advantageous of the hall is the height that able to build up stands max: 6 meters and there are only 4 big columns inside.
Hall 11 - New hall, the new hall also has advantageous, for example the main entrance will be from mentioned hall. But the problem of location is, there are a lot of columns inside and maximum heignt of stand building is 3,60 meters. This hall will be a mixed hall for national and international participants together.
If an exhibitor sign agreement for Solarex participation until 30th July and pay until 30th July full payment, you will get %30 discount from total payment.If an exhibitor sign agreement for Solarex participation until 30th July and pay but want to pay step by step (the payment plan is below) you will get %20 discount.If you keen to get this discount, it is better to hurry up.
Contact Information
- Direct Phone (Ext): 90-212-6045050
- Contact Person: Hakan Kurt